Thursday, April 30, 2009

How did water get into the coconut?

Coconut water is the endosperm part of the coconut plant. Endosperm is the most common nutritive tissue for the development of embryos in flowering plants. It supply nutrients to the growing embryo. The water is taken by all plants to prepare their food and for transporting the food throughout the plant body.

There are three types of endosperm and the coconut endosperm is a nuclear type in which theendosperm is found as a clear fluid in which float numerous nuclei of various sizes.

This fluid is compactly filling the embryo sac in which the embryo is developing.At a later stage gradually these cells and free nuclei start settling at the periphery of the cavity and layers of cellular endosperm start appearing. This forms the coconut meat. This meat is very tender enclosing the fluid content called coconut water. At this stage the nut is called tender coconut. The quantity of the cellular endosperm increases further by the divisions of the cells. In
mature coconut the liquid endosperm becomes milky enclosed by the cellular part called kernel and it does not contain free nuclei or cells.

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